=GPT3 (by OpenAI)

The =GPT3 formula allows you to use OpenAI's latest AI technology at scale

=GPT3: How-to Video

1. Set Your OpenAI API Key

Sign In at Overfit.AI To Update Your OpenAI API Key

Find Your OpenAI API Key at Beta.OpenAI.com

(Personal > Account > API Keys)

Until our presets are officially approved by the OpenAI team, you must have OpenAI API access to use the =GPT3 formula. (Anyone can join the OpenAI waitlist)

Your OpenAI API Key will be stored securely as a Document Property of any Google Sheet you have authenticated with your Overfit.AI API Key. Anyone you allow to access this Google Sheet will be able to use your OpenAI Tokens and Overfit.AI Tasks.

2. Use the =GPT3 Formula in Google Sheets to get a response from the OpenAI API

Refer to the official OpenAI Documentation for completion, prompt, and parameters setting details.

=GPT3(prompt, max_tokens, engine, temperature, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, top_p, stop, n, best_of, logit_bias, logprobs, echo, query)

=GPT3 Formula Example (simple)

=GPT3("The meaning of life is")

I am sending the prompt "The meaning of life is" to the GPT-3 API using the default curie engine and other default settings.

=GPT3 Formula Example (advanced)

=GPT3("The meaning of life is", 16, "davinci", 0.8, 0.4, 0.2, 1, ".", 1, 2, "'6342':-1, '1582':-10", 2, true, "$")

I am sending the prompt "The meaning of life is" to the GPT-3 API using the Davinci engine using a maximum of 16 tokens and stopping at the first . with a temperature of 0.8, frequency penalty of 0.4, presence penalty of 0.2, Top-P of 1. I only want the best of 1 result using a logit bias of "'6342':-1, '1582':-10" logprobs of 2, no echo, and the $ query to display the raw JSON results.

Last updated